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Technique Sharing ▏Ultrasonic Flowmeter Five Common Failures And Solutions
Date:2024-09-08 Show:1546

Ultrasonic flowmeter and electromagnetic flowmeter, because the instrument flow channel is not set up any obstruction, are unimpeded flowmeter, is suitable for solving the flow measurement difficulties of a class of flowmeter, especially in the large flow measurement has more outstanding advantages, in recent years it is one of the rapid development of a class of flowmeter. The following is an introduction.



One of the five failures: unstable reading changes dramatically


Reason analysis: The pipeline installed with ultrasonic flow sensor has large vibration or there is a device to change the flow state (such as the flow meter installed in the regulator, pump, flow hole downstream).


Solution: Retrofit the flow sensor away from the vibration source or move upstream of the changing flow mode device.



Two of the five failures: inaccurate reading, large error


Reason analysis:


1. ultrasonic flow meter sensor installed on the top and bottom of the horizontal pipe sediment interference ultrasonic signal. Solution: Install sensors on both sides of the pipe.


2. The ultrasonic flowmeter sensor is installed on the pipe with water flow down, and the pipe is not filled with fluid. Solution: Mount the sensor on a fluid-filled tube section.


3. There are devices that make the flow pattern fluctuate strongly, such as venturi tubes, orifice plates, vortex flowmeters, turbine flowmeters or partially closed valves, which are just within the range of sensor transmission and reception, making the reading inaccurate. Solution: Install the sensor away from the above device, the sensor upstream 30D away from the above device, the downstream 10D away from the above device or move to the upstream of the above device.


4. The input pipe diameter of the ultrasonic flowmeter does not match the inner diameter of the pipe. Solution: Modify the pipe diameter to make it match.


Three of the five failures: The sensor is good, but the flow rate is low or no flow rate


Reason analysis:


1.because the paint and rust outside the pipe are not removed. Solution: Clear the pipe again and install the sensor.


2. The pipe surface is uneven or the ultrasonic flowmeter is installed at the welded joint. Solution: Smooth the pipe or away from the weld.


3. The roundness of the pipeline is not good, the inner surface is not smooth, and there is pipe lining scaling. This may occur if the pipe is cast iron. Solution: Choose a place with a smooth inner surface such as steel pipe material or lining.


4. the measured medium is pure or solid suspended matter is too low. Solution: Choose the appropriate other type of instrument.


5.the sensor is installed on the fiber glass pipeline. Solution: Remove the glass fibers.


6.the sensor is installed on the sleeve, it will weaken the ultrasonic signal. Solution: Move the sensor to the section without casing.


7. the sensor and the pipeline coupling is not good, the coupling surface has gaps or bubbles. Solution: Reinstall the coupler.



Four of five failures: When the control valve is partially closed or the flow rate is reduced, the reading will increase


Reason analysis: The sensor is installed too close to the downstream of the control valve, and when the valve is partially closed, the actual flow rate measured by the flowmeter is the flow rate of the control valve with the increase of the flow rate.


Solution: Move the sensor away from the control valve, the sensor upstream from the control valve 30D or move the sensor upstream from the control valve 5D.



Five of the five failures: the ultrasonic flowmeter works normally, and suddenly the ultrasonic flowmeter no longer measures the flow


Reason analysis:


1. The measured medium changes. Solution: Change the way you measure.


2. the measured medium due to high temperature gasification. Solution: Cool down


3. the temperature of the measured medium exceeds the limit temperature of the sensor. Solution: Cool down


4. The coupling agent under the sensor is aging or consumed. Solution: Reapply coupling agent


5. due to high-frequency interference, the instrument exceeds its own filtering value. Solution: Stay away from distractions


6. Data loss in the computer. Solution: Re-enter the correct parameters


7. The computer crashes. Workaround: Restart your computer




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