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Several Commonly Used Sewage Treatment Detection Instruments
Date:2024-09-19 Show:1216

Everyone is usually concerned about the whole sewage treatment industry, and the sewage treatment detection instrument that plays a great role in sewage treatment, I believe that there must be little attention. Today, Xiaobian has organized several commonly used sewage treatment detection instruments, hoping to help you.


First, Ultrasonic Level Meter

          An ultrasonic liquid level meter is installed in the sewage lifting well and the anaerobic feeding well, which reflects the degree of a quantity of gas water-sealed water from other sections and the sewage to the anaerobic tank through the difference of the liquid level before and after the well groove, and is transmitted to the PLC controller for analysis and calculation. When the liquid level exceeds the set value, the operation column switch of the field pump can be switched to the automatic position to realize the automatic start and stop of the pump in the automatic control well. In this way, the pump operation state can be adjusted accurately and timely according to the external water volume, and the equipment fatigue can be reduced. At the same time, it can eliminate the human resources cost of three shifts in traditional pumping stations.


二、Flowmeters And Transmitters

        Real-time monitoring of traffic and processing capacity. The amount of water is an important control parameter for the operation management of sewage treatment section. Accurate and timely control of water intake plays an important role in process control and improvement of resistance to hydraulic load impact in sewage section. The traditional water measurement using weir plate or Venturi flow trough has the disadvantage of not being able to monitor and display in real time. Five imported electromagnetic flowmeters with a measuring range of 0 ~ 1200m3/h were installed in the return sludge pipeline, residual sludge pipeline and anaerobic tank to measure the flow rate of return sludge and residual sludge. The electromagnetic flowmeter can not only display the flow of water on the spot, but also display the flow and cumulative processing capacity on the host computer in real time through the transmission of plc, so as to achieve the purpose of accurately measuring the water treatment and providing real-time flow for operation management. After installing the electromagnetic flowmeter, the personnel on duty can judge whether the return sludge pump and the residual sludge pump are working normally according to the correct flow rate displayed, which solves the problem that the submersible pump can not simply judge whether the work is normal, and the electromagnetic flowmeter also has the characteristics of easy installation and simple maintenance. When the sewage phenol cyanogen blower blows air to the aerobic tank, we directly install four gas flowmeters measuring the range of 0 ~ 4000m3/h(standard condition) on the air pipe between the two, and then convert the eja transmitter 4-20ma signal to obtain the air volume in the pipe, and display and monitor it in real time on the upper computer through the plc system.

三、Dissolved Oxygen Meter And PH Meter

The treatment section of the workshop adopts the traditional activated sludge process. The biological treatment of aerobic tank is undoubtedly the most important link of sewage treatment. Through the biological treatment of aerobic tank, various organic pollution components in sewage can be effectively removed. The sewage phenol cyanide blower used to oxygenate the aerobic pool is the main equipment for the power consumption of the sewage treatment section, and the power consumption accounts for more than the general power consumption of the whole section, in order to reduce the waste of electric energy caused by excessive unnecessary oxygenation. A dissolved oxygen meter with measuring range of 0.05 ~ 10mg/l is installed in the biochemical treatment area of the sewage treatment section, and the concentration of dissolved oxygen is detected online in real time, and the detected concentration is converted into a standard current signal and transmitted to the plc and the host computer in time. When the detected concentration is less than or greater than the specified range, plc immediately issues control instructions to adjust the outlet valve of the sewage phenol cyanide blower, so as to ensure the good biochemical ability of the bacteria in the aerobic pool, enhance the decomposition ability of the aerobic bacteria, and reduce the power consumption of the sewage treatment section. In order to have a better effect of sewage treatment, we must effectively control the acid and alkali concentration of the influent of the biochemical tank. In order to reduce the labor intensity of the operator, a ph meter online detection device is installed in the biochemical treatment area to detect the acid and alkali concentration of the intake of the biochemical pool in real time. And through the organic combination with the plc control system, the data detected on the site is transmitted to the plc and the host computer, and the acid and base concentration of water in the water intake and biochemical pool can be observed at any time directly on the computer screen, so as to facilitate timely adjustment.

四、Sludge Concentration Meter

Sludge concentration control in sludge thickening tank. The concentration of sludge in sludge thickening tank is an important parameter of wastewater treatment process. In the traditional sewage treatment plant, the sludge concentration is monitored by the laboratory using the old test method, and there are great defects in the timeliness and accuracy of the data provided. It is difficult to timely adjust the process of the return sludge and the remaining sludge amount, resulting in errors in time and accuracy. In the sewage treatment section of Hongfa Coking Plant of Jiangsu Shagang Group, an online sludge concentration meter with a measuring range of 0.5 ~ 10g/l is installed on each sludge concentration tank. The detected concentration signal is converted into 4-20ma standard electrical signal and transmitted to plc and host computer in time for comparison with the parameters set by the system. According to the comparison results, the corresponding control can solve this problem well. The installation of the sludge concentration meter can adjust the process of the sludge concentration tank timely according to the precise measurement of the sludge concentration at any time, while reducing the labor intensity of the laboratory staff.



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