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Instruments "show their skills" for Water Resources Management to Save High Costs And Improve Efficiency
Date:2024-09-19 Show:1254

Water is the source of life, it moistens all things and feeds life. Seventy percent of the earth we live on is covered with water, of which 97 percent is seawater, and only three percent of the freshwater that is more closely related to our lives. And 78 percent of the fresh water is glacial water, which is difficult to use.


Therefore, the fresh water resources we can use are very limited and threatened by pollution. Increasing demand for water from agriculture, industry, and cities has put a strain on limited freshwater resources. Water is the cornerstone of the Sustainable Development Goals. People's livelihoods and civilization depend on water. To avoid a water crisis, we must protect water resources.

Water management is urgent


Due to factors such as population growth, pollution and climate change, global water shortage pressure is increasing. According to statistics, in the past 20 years, the global per capita supply of fresh water has decreased by more than 20%. Faced with the challenge of water shortage, many countries have carried out successful practices to improve water resources management.


According to statistics, as of August 2020, there are 7.8 billion people in the world; By 2050, there will be 9.7 billion. As the population continues to grow, the amount of freshwater available per capita globally continues to decline. According to the World Resources Institute, water consumption is already twice what it was in 1960.


In addition, Xiaobian learned that China is one of the world's most serious water shortage countries, per capita water resources are only 2059.2 tons, although the total amount of water resources is more, but the per capita amount is not rich. The characteristics of water resources are uneven regional distribution and unbalanced combination of water and soil resources. The intra-year distribution is concentrated and the inter-annual variation is great. The years of even abundant and even dry are more prominent; The river is heavily silted. These characteristics make our country prone to water drought, the contradiction between supply and demand of water, which also determines the development and utilization of water resources in our country, the task of river regulation is very difficult, improve the integrated water resources management strategy and technology, to become the most important in solving the water resources crisis.


It can be seen that the form of water resources shortage in our country is very severe, coupled with backward water resources management and other problems, has seriously restricted the speed of economic development in our country, water resources management is imminent, the relevant instruments and instruments "show their skills", do you know what?


First of all, what we have to say is that the instrument of measuring water in the instrument "water meter", in the comprehensive management of water resources, its role is not small.


Water shortage, water meter accurate measurement to avoid waste


Water meter, is the measurement of water flow meter, mostly the cumulative flow of water measurement, generally divided into two categories of volumetric water meter and velocity water meter, originated in the United Kingdom, the development of water meters has nearly two hundred years of history, when choosing water meter specifications, you should first estimate the size and flow range of the flow used under normal circumstances. Then choose the type of gauge water meter with the common flow rate closest to this value as the first choice.


Global warming is causing sea levels to rise while also threatening water supplies for 3.2 billion people around the world, according to a new United Nations report. In the context of water resources shortage, accurate measurement of water meters to avoid waste, therefore, to find a set of accurate measurement and intelligence in one of the smart water meters, reform the existing water resources utilization and measurement management methods, improve the intelligence of the water industry, to achieve sustainable use of water resources, to ensure the sustainable development of social economy, is the current urgent thing.


In general, traditional mechanical watches face a state of service life timeout and gradual mismeasurement. With the development of science and technology, the arrival of the Internet of Things era, the Internet of Things smart water meter is a necessary element of the new era of information, can solve the traditional water meter installation complex, high cost, difficult maintenance, time-consuming and arduous, high error rate of many shortcomings, while integrating into the Internet of things life becomes easier, the use of various mobile platforms, anytime and anywhere can be remote meter reading, accurate measurement of "water", To avoid waste.


Moreover, we should know that China's water resources environmental pollution has been very serious, according to the relevant reports of our environmental protection Bureau: China's main rivers organic pollution is serious, and is expanding the trend, water pollution is becoming increasingly prominent, water resources pollution control, monitoring equipment attack.


Water resources pollution control instruments are full


In order to solve the problem of water pollution, China has formulated the "Water Ten", "Key River Basin Water Pollution Prevention and Control Plan (2016-2020)", "National Groundwater pollution Prevention and Control Plan (2011-2020)" and other policies and regulations, and proposed to adhere to water-saving priority, strengthen water resources management, and maximize the current situation of water pollution.


Pollution control, monitoring first. In the monitoring of water pollution control, one is: We can use satellite remote sensing, intelligent sensing and other technologies to develop the whole process of water system monitoring robots, focusing on the development of water monitoring drones, sample collection robots, multi-functional water quality monitoring robots, water facilities inspection robots and other intelligent monitoring equipment, to achieve the investigation of water sources of pollution, rapid identification of water problems and water quality early warning and forecasting functions; Second: the use of water quality detector, gas chromatograph, flow injection instrument, conductivity meter, PH meter and dissolved oxygen analyzer and other instruments and equipment for water pollution monitoring treatment.


In addition, water quality sampler equipment can promote water pollution prevention and control, which can be divided into two kinds of water quality manual sampler and water quality automatic sampler. The material of the water quality manual sampler must have no effect on the composition of the water sample, be easy to wash, and have no residue on the previous sample. To ensure national water security, the water quality sampler promotes the prevention and control of water resources pollution.



Finally, Xiaobian would like to say that in addition to the relevant instruments to help water resources management and protect water resources, we must also act to change the traditional concept of water use. Make people realize that water is precious, according to the survey data: the water used for each flush of the toilet is equivalent to the daily water consumption per capita in some developing countries; Take a cool shower in summer, using water equivalent to the daily water consumption of dozens of people in water-scarce countries; If the tap is not turned on, the water lost in one night is equivalent to the daily drinking water of a village in a water-scarce region of Africa or Asia.


Therefore, protecting water resources is not only the business of the country, but also the business of each of us. We should call for water conservation in the whole society, multi-use of one water, make full use of circulating water, protect water resources, and prevent pollution. We have to start from the bit, the instrument and meter equipment is also "showing their skills" oh!




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